JM DeLullo Stone Sales is proud to carry Pennsylvania based ReGenAg Seed. We stock many specific blends from grass seed to food plot seed. These seeds are specifically engineered to thrive in our local climate. We work closely with our suppliers to assure the highest quality seeds and fertilizer. ReGenAg Seed has been specially-researched and selected to be the highest-quality seed mixes, helping to increase your crop’s resilience and strength. JM DeLullo Stone Sales also offers soil testing to help you find your perfect blend. Be sure to call us, 888-834-1914, for more details!

*Special orders available upon request

The Wall Mixture

This mixture is made up of several different summer annuals that will create a living barrier preventing deer, turkeys, and other wildlife from spotting you while entering your stand or blind. This mix can reach heights of 12 to 16 feet on average!

Annual Bone Builder

This annual clover mix works great as a last minute effort in the poorest of soils and provides extremely high-quality forage for the deer to feed on all season long. This mix can stand alone or be incorporated into a combination, depending on timing and needs.

Fast Tracks

Talk about a “throw & grow” type of mix, this is made up of Crimson Clover and Radish. The Crimson allows for a great forage from early archery season into and through rifle season, while the radish is a perfect frosty snack for your Whitetail Deer to munch on through late season.


This winter hardy forage frenzy of a mix will not disappoint for late season hunters as this mix is made up of several different cereal grains. Barley, Cereal Rye, Triticale, and Wheat are all found within this monster of a mix. This is also a great spring forage during fawning season and spring gobbler!

Nitro Gold

This high nitrogen producing, superior forage mix has several perennial clovers along with hairy vetch, allowing great ground coverage with tremendous forage capabilities. This is a stand out mix and is known to keep deer hitting the field all year long! This mix can also be frost seeded in early spring.

Prime Time

If you’re looking for instant satisfaction of ground coverage, forage that will carry throughout the winter, and improved soil health and capability, this mix hits the nail on the head. Made up of different annuals and perennials for early to late success, this mix has nitrogen producers, maximum forage performers, and key “winter hard” species to push through the late season.

Fall Feast

This is a brassica blend created with the perfect percentages of different rape, turnips, and radish including both hybrid and forage types. This mix will certainly keep deer in the field from early archery through late season with such a diverse selection of brassicas.

Full SD Blend

This is a great spring forage mixture that also focuses on soil health. It consists of spring type legumes including Peas and Clovers, spring type cereals including two different types of oats (one grain type/one forage type), and RGA CC Radish. This allows high amounts of nitrogen to be produced early through summer and becomes available for your fall planted crop.

Summer Frenzy

Summer Frenzy was designed as a maximum potential forage mix that will catch your attention from its nitrogen producing capabilities and ground coverage, to the large amounts of key forage/nutrients produced during the most crucial times of antler growth.

Clover Entree

Similar to our Nitro Gold, this mix is a high nitrogen producing perennial clover blend without the Hairy Vetch. The mix is also known to keep deer in the plot all year long!