We are currently hiring full and part-time truck drivers and yard laborers! Call us at (888) 834-1914, stop in to any of our locations, or click the button to send us an email!
We are the Largest Supplier of Landscape and Limestone Products in North Central Pennsylvania
Our Hours of Operation!
We are open Monday through Friday from 7am to 5pm, and Saturdays from 7am until 2pm.
Fast, Friendly Service!
J.M. Delullo Stone Sales offers you fast, friendly service from a knowledgeable staff that is committed to helping you find the right solution for your home or business.
We're Hiring!
We are currently hiring full and part-time truck drivers and yard laborers!
Call us at (888) 834-1914, stop in to any of our locations, or CLICK HERE to send us an email!
Since 1993
We inventory a large selection of limestone, sand, gravel, sandstone, hard & soft coal, topsoil, mushroom compost, mulches, and landscape stones. From a 5 gallon bucket to 30,000 tons, no quantity is too small or large. Pick it up or have it delivered.
Since 1993
We inventory a large selection of limestone, sand, gravel, sandstone, hard & soft coal, topsoil, mushroom compost, mulches, and landscape stones. From a 5 gallon bucket to 30,000 tons, no quantity is too small or large. Pick it up or have it delivered.
Have Questions?
If you have questions or have any interest in products we carry, we’re here to help and would be happy to assist you. It’s as simple as completing our contact form located at the bottom of this page or clicking here. A representative will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. As always, thank you for your interest and thank you for choosing J.M. DeLullo Stone Sales!!